Learn the skills and tools you need to recognize and overcome the distorted beliefs that make you repeat the same behavior patterns, allowing you to move forward in the areas of your life in which you feel stuck.
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Treat yourself to a week dedicated to listening to your inner voice. Let your intuition guide you in identifying what prevents you from moving forward and learn to let go. Reconnect with your authenticity and your truth, with what is meaningful to you.
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Join me to learn your communication style and how to express yourself effectively, assertively and honestly. Identify and remove the inner obstacles that are preventing you from experiencing fulfilling communication. Experience active listening, making space to truly listen to others.
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Conscious Relationships hold huge potential for healing and growth. Relating consciously allows us to heal old wounds from the past and to redefine our understanding of love in a more mature way.
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Archetypes and our life path. Would you like to understand your interpersonal relationships and everyday interactions in terms of their spiritual significance?