Would you like to understand your interpersonal relationships and everyday interactions in terms of their spiritual significance? We each have been put here on earth to fulfill a Sacred Contract that enhances our spiritual growth.
An archetype can be understood as the original pattern. We have several primary archetypal companions that define us. They are deeply embedded into our psychic makeup and they shape who we are, who we can become and how we express our unique selves in the world. They influence how we perceive and respond to the varied events of our lives. The Wounded child, the Rescuer, the Clown, the Victim, the Lover, the Healer, the Alchemist, the Rebel, the Caretaker, the Judge are some of them.
in this online course, we will examine our experiences from a new perspective using our symbolic sight to look at the events of our lives in terms of their higher purpose. This work can help us better understand our inner dynamics and gain greater clarity regarding our relationships and life choices from a higher perspective.
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